1. Go to your client's profile. Enter their name in the search bar at the top of the screen and click the entry.

2. Scroll down to SDM Information below the Client Information section. Click Add SDM.

3. Enter the client's SDM's information, such as their name, relationship to the client, and the type of SDM they are. 

4. Click Choose File and upload a document supporting the SDM's authority to act on behalf of the client. 

If you are unsure of what constitutes a supporting document, please see the following article: Appropriate Supporting Documents for a Substitute Decision Maker

5. Click Save changes.

Your client's profile will now reflect that they have a Substitute Decision Maker signing authorizations on their behalf. You can edit their information at any point by navigating to the client's page and clicking the pencil icon in the SDM Information section.

Great job! You now know how to add a Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) to a client's profile!

If you have questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]