Please Note: MedChart shall charge a late payment fee of 2% per month on any overdue and unpaid balance not in dispute.
1. Click on the person-shaped icon in the top right-hand side of the screen and click Billing.

2. You'll be taken to the Billing page, which provides an overview of your Billing History, your Current Balance (1), your Payment Options (2), and Downloadable copies of your invoices (3).

3. If you want to pay your balance, you have the option to pay in one of three ways. Select your preferred option and follow the directions provided.
- Pay by Credit Card: Note: A credit card processing fee of 2.9% will be applied on your current balance.
- Pay by Interact Email Money Transfer: Please send your transfer to [email protected] and email us the password separately. Please do not use your firm name as the password!
- Pay by Cheque: Please remit a cheque for your current balance to the address shown on your latest bill.
4. If you want to review your invoices, click on the invoice's corresponding download button.
This will open up the Account Statement and Client by Client Disbursements for that invoice period. You can save and/or print the document as needed before settling your balance.