Medchart currently does not support users cancelling requests themselves. This is because cancelling a request requires contacting the provider (through fax, phone, mail, or email) to inform them of the cancellation and determining whether linked transactions can be refunded.
If you need to cancel a request, you must contact MedChart, ideally in writing, to ask for a request to be cancelled.
You can reach our team via email ([email protected] or [email protected]) for request cancellations.
Please include in your message the Request ID*, client's name, and a brief explanation of why you are cancelling the request.
Please note that we can look up Request IDs without the client's name, but we recommend including it. It's common for people to accidentally send the wrong number, so having the client's name helps to ascertain whether we have found the correct request to cancel.
* Where to Find the Request ID *
You can find the Request ID number in the Requests tab of the Requests/Records table of your client's profile.

You can also find it on the Request Details page of a Request.

If you have any questions about cancellations, please contact our team at [email protected].