1. Click on "Clients" in the left navigation menu.

2. Click "New Client" in the top right hand corner.

3. Select the type of authorization you will be using for this client. Will the client be signing their own authorization or will they need a SDM (substitute decision maker) to sign the authorization?

4. Enter your client's information* (be sure to enter your client's name as it appears on the health card) and click "Next" and Accept the Terms and Conditions.

5. Review and confirm your client's information. Click Back if you need to edit a field. Click Next if you have confirmed everything is correct. 

Please ensure that the ensure on this page matches your client's health card exactly.

6. You can either upload (authorizations) or "Request e-signature"  or Skip for now to do so on a later time. 

7. This client has now been added to your account. 

Good job! Now you know how to add a new client!

If you have questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].