1. Go to your client's profile. You can navigate to your client's page by entering their name in the Search bar at the top of the screen. 

2. Click Options and select Share Manager.

3. The Share Manager page will show you all records that you have shared for this client. Depending on the status, you will be able to take certain actions. Click the Details button for the share link you wish to review and take action on.


Valid: The record was successfully shared and the download link is still valid. On a request with Valid status, you can revoke the share link which will prevent the recipient from being able to use it to access the records.

Fee - paid: The record was shared with a paywall and the user has confirmed that payment was received. The download link is still valid. On a request with Fee - paid status, you can revoke the share link which will prevent the recipient from being able to use it to access the records. 

Fee - not paid: The record was shared with a paywall and the user has not received or has not yet confirmed that payment was received. The download link is valid but the records are not accessible to the recipient. On a request with Fee - not paid status, you can either revoke the share link or confirm payment was received. If you confirm payment was received, the recipient will be able to access the records using the link you sent them. 

Revoked: Access to this record was revoked. The recipient can no longer use the link to access the records. On a request with Revoked status, you cannot take any actions.  

If you would like to know how to share a record, please read our article How to Share Records.

Congratulations! You can now manage your shared records.
If you have questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]