Medchart sends 100% of the fees and payments collected from requesters to you each month. You may choose whether you would like to receive payment from Medchart via Cheque or eTransfer.

Add a Payable Account
Use the left-hand navigation menu and click "Configurations".
Click "Payable Accounts":

Click "Add payable account":

Choose a Remittance Type
Choose whether you would like to receive payment via Cheque or eTransfer:

Fill in the applicable information and click "confirm":

You will see that your details have been successfully saved:

Add Multiple Payable Accounts
You can add more than one payable account by clicking "Add payable account" again.
When requesting HIC fees, you will see an option to choose a specific payable account from a drop down list.

Default Payable Account
If you have multiple payable accounts, you can set a default payable account. The default payable account is indicated by a star icon.

Set a default payable account by clicking the pencil icon.

Click on the star icon.

Click confirm. This account is now your default payable account.

Video Tutorial