If you have invited your staff or colleagues to your organization's MedChart account, they must click a link in the invitation email to confirm their email address and set a personal log-in password. 

If a user has successfully logged in before using their invitation link, they cannot use it to login again. Please instruct them to go to www.medchart.ca and click Login. They will be able to enter their credentials there or reset their password. 

If someone cannot find this invitation email or the invitation link has expired and they have not logged in before, please resend an invitation email following these steps (Note: Only Admin users can access this feature):

1. Click on "Staff Users" on the left navigation menu.

2. Find the staff member that you would like to resend an invitation to and click the envelope button. 

A new invitation link will be emailed to that staff member to complete their registration.

Note: For security purposes, staff user email invitation links expire in 24 hours. Please ensure your staff or colleagues respond promptly to their invitation emails. 

Congratulations! You now know how to re-send invitations to staff users!

If you have questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]