Navigate to your inbox by clicking "Active Requests" in the left hand navigation menu.

Click "View".

This will open up a separate window.
Click "Assign to me".

Verify the Patient Consent and Information
Verify that the patient information provided matches a patient record available within your EMR and that the correct authorization, direction, and supporting documentation is enclosed.

Note: The consent shown in Medchart is the same consent you would otherwise receive via fax.

Option 1: If Information is Incorrect or Incomplete
If either the patient information is incorrect, the consent is not complete, or the consent 
includes incorrect information, click “Consent Contains Wrong Information”.

Here you may select "Reject ROI" to issue a refund and close the request or "Request Correction" to describe the reason and send the notification to the requester.


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Option 2: Select “Verify consent and confirm No Records” 


This will allow you to verify that the consent is submitted correctly, but there are no records to process this request. 


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You will have the option to Issue Refund and Create No Records Letter: 

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Select Preview and Submit and Refund.  

If Information is Correct
If the patient information is correct and the consent is complete click "Verify".

A window will pop up with three options:
1) "Verify and assign to": Verify the request and assign it to another user at your clinic
2) "Search Later": Verify the request and work on it later
3) "Start Searching Records Now": Verify the request and start working on it now

You will be taken to the next phase of the records release process: HOW TO UPLOAD RECORDS